Has figuring out your cash flow been on the top of your to-do list but constantly falling off because of more pressing concerns? When you prioritize and understand your nonprofit’s cash flow, you can anticipate problems and shortages, provide soundness to your organization, and leverage opportunities to build your organization’s capacity. Cash flow projections should be revised regularly, so if you’re ready to put the focus back on this conversation, tune into this webinar featuring the President of CNRG Accounting Advisory, Chyla Graham. Chyla is a CPA who helps navigate the accounting and fiscal tightrope walked by nonprofit organizations.
In this virtual workshop, specifically curated for nonprofits with an annual operating budget under $2 million, Chyla:
- Explains a cash flow statement and a cash flow projection and how they are different
- Walks you through creating your own cash flow projection
- Highlights what you have control over and what you need your board/supporters to rally around
- And much more!