Automating Consumer Tax Using Avalara

It’s no secret that businesses make purchases and that these purchases are sometimes not used as planned. When this occurs, many fail to properly assess consumer use tax on these transactions. Why? Because it is complex, manual and time-consuming.

If you struggle with the management of consumer use tax (CUT), please watch this video featuring our sales tax compliance partner, Avalara. They just released a new product to add to their compliance suite – Avalara Consumer Use – and walk through CUT challenges and how their new product automates the solution.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn how consumer use tax works and why it’s difficult to manage
  • Review various scenarios where it comes into play
  • Uncover how most companies manage CUT today
  • Dig into Avalara’s automated solution

Interested in learning more about how Avalara Consumer Use can help increase productivity through automation?

Lauren Hogan: Good afternoon, everyone, welcome to jJMT consulting and avalon has the automating consumer use tax using avalon we're going to wait another minute or two to get started, because we still have some people logging on so we'll be right back.

Hello everyone, thank you all for joining us today for our automating consumer use tax using Laura my name is lauren hogan and i'm a regional marketing coordinator here at jm T.

we're very excited to have died and develop and Maria tringale from avalon joining us today.

Just a couple of housekeeping notes, before I turned over to Maria if you have any questions during the webinar today, please go ahead and submit them into the q&a section, as you think of them.

will also have full save them all until the end of the presentation, but don't hesitate to submit them as they come.

Also, just a reminder that will send you both some handouts, and the recording of today's webinar within 24 hours after it has concluded and with that i'll go ahead and turn it over to Maria to get us started.

Maria Tringali: Wonderful thanks lauren we're so happy to be here, my name is Maria and i'm here with Diana.

You got the two Italian girls with you today so i've been with avalon about seven years and the whole time i've been here.

i've been working with our B2B customers customers that are or those that are highly exempt So if you sell to customers that want to be exempt and also those who.

purchase and want to be exempt so it seems to be my world I provide a lot of training and education for our prospects our sales team and definitely work with partners of like GMT of.

Educating their stuff and their customers on some of the compliance issues that are certainly more complex and we didn't go into business to understand tax compliance so that's why you get me and Diana, they only want to induce yourself.

Diana DiBello: I am so happy to be here today with you, Maria to talk about consumer use tax, I am a person that loves to talk about sales and use taxes so i'm happy to share some of my knowledge today.

i've been in this industry for over 25 years working in various industries have worked in the tax technology industry have also worked in industry, managing their tax technology systems so.

it's been a great experience, and I am thrilled to be here at Valera have been here for about a year now so as I tell everyone I saved the best for last so with that Ray you want to go through the beginning of our slides here.

Maria Tringali: yeah yeah so we're here to talk about consumer use text again not something I went to school to learn and I love talking about or even trying to understand so let's start with what it is right and why it's important and how it affects all of us.

Here, to the next slide there we go right, so we think of sales tax I do a lot of these, and we think of sales tax as really.

Only the thing that you see on a receipt when you buy something, and when you're in business, you both.

sell things and buy things so you have to think of tax compliance really from both directions.

So the US tax is what's owed by you, when you're the buyer and the sometimes the final correct amount of tax was not paid at the time of purchase we're going to talk about a couple.

Instances a couple specific scenarios where that takes place, but you want to make sure, as the buyer that you are.

paying the right amount of sales tax on your purchases or accruing that properly, in addition to making sure that you are charging your customers, the right amount of sales tax, so this stuff can get complicated.

So in the cell sales and sellers use tax you get to determine what the rate is by us what you're selling to your customer, so we all that's again when I usually call the sexy part of sales taxes that's what we all think of when we think of sales tax compliance.

Now we're when we're buying something we also can be in the driver's seat of what that sales tax rate should be, and why, so we do have a responsibility as buyers.

To understand how we're being charged tax and when we're being charged tax and often that responsibility falls on the procurement department and the accounts payable department, rather than the marketing team or the sales team that's doing this, the selling or the accounting team.

Diana DiBello: Or the tax team.

large enough for tax yeah yeah correct.

Maria Tringali: Correct, and so it is kind of hidden, sometimes in the company so.


When you're selling something this, you have to collect the tax and file a return and and you're a pastor right you're collecting the tax for the state and.

on behalf of the state and remaining it to the state when you buy something you also have to pay tax and reflect that on your sales tax returns so whichever position you're in it is still part of your overall tax compliance, would you add anything to that i'm Dana.

Diana DiBello: i'm just that it's sometimes easy to forget, because you have to rely on your vendors to bill you on that sales tax and if they don't then then that creates that liability for you to accrue it yeah yeah.

Maria Tringali: I think if you click next slide house yep build to it yeah so at the time of sale when invoices are generated.

that's when you need to charge the tax, but you when you purchase something you may or may not pay the or what crew the right amount of tax at the time of that purchase so us tax can actually come into play.

at many different times often after an invoices even paid.

You may buy something and provide an exemption certificate and pay no tax and have to accrue for the text later.

or you may buy something and pay tax, but it may not have been the right amount of tax, so it really can get complicated because it happens at different times during the process on the US side we're selling is pretty straightforward.

happens at the time of sale so that's why automation can really, really help here and that's what we're talking about today.

Diana DiBello: So what go ahead.


Maria Tringali: So what makes consumer use text so difficult as we just said it's it's a constant battle and buying things other companies can actually expose you to liability based on how they charge tax or based on how you agreed to purchase that item growth expansion new business.

Entities new products that you sell your purchasing changes, all these things can really affect how you manage us tax it's an ever changing sort of ever evolving responsibility.

Purchasing we're going to talk about this a little bit later purchasing is not often centralized and controlled so you've got people out there in the field, most likely purchasing things and they're not.

A Diana don't stretch in this US tax world and understand when we should pay and not pay sales tax, so it becomes something that's a little tougher to.

control than your invoicing platform that is creating invoices all the time and, as I said earlier that the US tax liability can really surface after and invoices paid.

And that's what makes it really hard and also risky if you're not paying attention later, then.

You can create risk for yourself in the sales tax audit, you can create underpaid overpaid diet, no we're just on a call this morning there's all sorts of scenarios that can happen if us tax is not handled properly from a risk perspective.

So the challenges related before I turn this over to Diana to talk about some specific scenarios are that use tax is really complex and it is subject to change, as I said, it requires.

ongoing research to understand how things are taxed where things are taxed how your different products are tax, if you have different sites which I assume you do if you're sending something out to.

A different site, the tax rate is different than where you've purchased it.

Integrating and automation can be difficult they're different triggers at different times so you want to an integration platform that allows you to do some checks and balances, maybe set up some rules.

And and correct what you need to correct that because I when I talked to my when I talked to customers, I always say I you can't just automate automate us tax because we.

The software doesn't know when you want to accrue us stocks or something meaning it doesn't know how you were going to use that item, so you do have to get involved.

So that can be challenging and doing all of that manually can be really, really complex.

And lastly, audit risks for us tax are very high, as I mentioned earlier i've been working with B2B customers for many years.

And they almost always tell me, we had an audit, but the only thing they looked at was used tax or biggest hit was the use checks the sales tax.

rates are pretty easy to get right nowadays, those are out there, there are a lot of platforms that allow you to calculate your sales tax rates to your customers and you can get pretty darn close.

Auditors know that missing exemption certificates, as is an easy way to get people but also use tax because it's complex So if you have you're in a business that.

has used taxes complex that has sites that has products that you sold it very in toxicity automating use talks is a really, really wise thing to do so with that i'm gonna let Diana dive into some specific scenarios right.

Diana DiBello: Thanks Maria so as Maria was explaining use tax is a challenge for businesses for a couple of reasons, so i'm going to go through some scenarios.

that are going to highlight some of the challenges and can identify some of the opportunities to help resolve that or minimize that risk, so the first one is purchases from outside the US jurisdiction.

And this is frequent and even as a private consumer you probably have exposure to this, so I live in Pennsylvania and i'm not too far from the Delaware border.

So when people in my area want to make big purchases large furniture purchases whatever they'll often go to Delaware to purchase a tax, except.

Technically, they are supposed to claim that purchase and accrue a use tax and pay a use tax on that purchase to the State of Pennsylvania.

Now private citizens, you know people typically don't do that, but there are numerous states that do have a use tax line on their income tax state income tax.

And some States even put an estimate in there that they estimate like $500 a year in use tax.

So it's important to understand that when you purchase something out of state and bring it into a state where it's going to be used.

The tax that should be considered is where that item is going to be used So what does that mean to a business, so if you paid sales tax on that originally in the state where it was purchased.

What was the rate, did you pay more or less if he paid less you may owe some money to the state that you're using it in now, if you pay more than you may be subject to a refund.

But getting that refund can be a challenge.

So that if there are poor invoice details or no invoice I hear most of my calls Oh, we have you know management people going out making purchases on their credit cards, all the time.

And tracking those purchases and making sure that tax was collected is difficult, so making sure you can get that information from any.

credit card charges so it's important to get those receipts from your employees to make sure you can approve for the use tax of taxes, not charged.

And, as I mentioned, paying the wrong consumer use tax based on the location of use, so you need to really understand where it's going to be used.

The next situation is going to be a change of disposition.

To use or the location of a good so when something moves how the materials are being used can change the tax ability.


If you purchase in one location and sending us items to another.

Excuse me that's nice I apologize.

Then it could result in a distribution of the tax saw commonly referred to this to attacks allocation, where a company will centrally purchase goods.

Say 100 laptops for headquarters in Washington and then they sent 25 laptops to their employees in North Carolina.

it's important to understand the rates, because of the tax rate is higher than again, you may have an opportunity for savings buying materials that are exempt and then using them in a taxable manner, I used to work for a company that did a lot of.

In the good old days when they would do books on paper, they provided research tools in in books.

And in those days, they would purchase paper for resale because they would use the paper to make the books for the research tools, but all of the office supply paper was also purchased from the same vendor so they had to create a process internally to capture the.

amounts of paper that were used for office supplies so office supplies is a big.

place where consumer use tax can apply especially if you are an IT company selling to other companies.

Or if you're just pulling things out of inventory, for your own use so that's one example of that.

Contract Terms can trigger a use tax event so depending on the terms of the contract, whether it's a fixed bid, so if it's a lump sum contract versus time and materials so those services are broken out separately.

That can trigger whether or not a US taxes required, and this comes into play, a lot of times in capital projects where you have contracts with your your builders or your.

vendors and determining when that tax should be charged and when it's not and how it's being incorporated into your building.

So an example that I like to talk about is purchasing SAS software so SAS software is software as a service so it's a cloud hosted type solution.

There are many types of solutions that are used, like a CRM.

A customer relationship management solution so it's easy to overpay or underpaid the tax based on the ship to from the vendor So if I purchase from a vendor and I have employees located in Seattle California and Texas.

And the headquarters is in Seattle that vendors going to charge me 10.1% sales tax.

However, if I have employees from my employees in California, the portion or the allocation of that software use would be accept.

And if five employees in Texas, the allocation of the software use in Texas would be 80% of that taxable base.

And of course the rates are probably lower than 10.1% sales are pretty high percent for sales tax so it's important to understand where your goods and your services are going to be used, so you can.

evaluate these opportunities for savings or limiting your exposure, because the converse also exists where.

If you purchased in California and your vendor didn't charge you any tax and you're allocating the use of that SAS software to places like Seattle than Texas, you should be accruing use tax for those locations.

So here is a two real life examples that we have come across in dealing with our customers.

So the first example is a company that has 140 locations and allocates their SAS software licenses to users across their different locations every month, so this is going to affect the consumer use tax rate and how it's calculated, despite the origin of the purchase.

So the other example is a construction contractor that has approximately 90 employees and $200 million in revenue they.

conduct business in 12 states with offices in four States they issued a resale certificate and purchasing business building materials for their project.

But did not self report the use tax when they were audited by Nevada the auditor assess them $475,000 and and collected you stacks plus the penalties, because they did not accrue the use tax on the materials that they purchased for building materials for their projects.

So how is it managed today so we're going to look at the ways companies deal with it today, and there are a variety of ways that companies do manage and if you say we struggle with this you're not alone.

So the strategies to manage consumers use tax varies wildly there's the ever popular blissful ignorance or ostrich mode where companies are like oh wait till they get it under audit.

which I am always against because you're always adding interest and penalties on that.

However, if it takes too much effort to comply, and you have to go out and hire full time resource plus benefits, it can be challenging.

So what companies, then do is they may estimate so they'll do a rough calculation best guess for lump sum payment they'll do a manual paper invoice sampling and a batch and then they'll create a percentage and they'll just use that to do an estimation every month or quarter or year.

A spreadsheet manual audit so they'll take a subset of invoice invoices and then they'll.

they'll allocate that across an audit period to try and create that estimation.

Then there's the manual assessment and I have say I see this, the most of the companies that do try to support the consumer use tax.

l approvals, and that would be where they do a manual inspection at the time of invoice the challenge with that is that a lot of times.

An ap person will be important inputting the invoice into the er P, and they may not know what the tax treatment should be for that.

So the tax person has to put together some sort of rules that are not hard and fast and are often based on interpretation, so it is a challenge for organizations to comply with the consumer use tax situation.

And then there's the manual batch inspection where they take a batch from into a spreadsheet and they.

Look over that spreadsheet may look over a couple data elements try and evaluate if they can determine if there should be an accrual for use tax or not, and those are time consuming exercises and it's not always the best use of your resources to determine that use tax.


And then, of course, there is.

Maria Tringali: A sigh hey Diana, can I interrupt you, for a SEC, I know that people I talked to a lot of businesses and when they look at the cost of automation or the challenge of putting this together, everybody seems to think that you can get a person to do this.

Anyway, right there's just a person one single person I mean unless you're Diana.

People can and really don't want to just.

Try to do this manually include things together manually I data layers joker through my nice chloe and the best ratio that she's in college you can't really just hire chloe to do this, you need.

Right resources, you need help you need to do this it's really hard it's not something so I caution you when you're thinking of automating to not think of automation versus of person, they are two completely different things, a person of the knowledge that automation kansans my two cents.

Diana DiBello: Great and that's valid.

And then you can't really if you outsource, it is often an expensive undertaking.

And it's either done through like an external multi year audit reverse audit where a firm will come in and take all of your ap invoices, for the past few years.

And do an analysis on that well that may not provide them with all the information all the context around those purchases and how they were used in the the movement of goods, so it's important to really understand what you're doing, you may be paying more tax than you need to.

And outsourcing the entire process to big five firms or big four firms.

or two other organizations that will take on that process but that's usually wrapped into an ap process, so you can't get that tax expertise and especially with the state and local tax stuff it's often hard to get.

A firm that can really address both the technology needs of your rp and your ap process and fold in the sales and use tax because i'll tell you they usually don't teach sales and use tax when you get your masters in tax is attacks that's often left.

uncovered and I always say it's more art than science, but it is a big exposure point for companies or organizations, especially those that are public and need to include.

Any exposure in their contingencies, and then, finally, is automation and some companies really do this well they identify ways to feed their ap information into a solution.

That will calculate that tax for them and make sure it identifies any shortcomings on the vendor invoice or identify even overpayments for that vendor invoice because you don't want to pay too much tax to your vendors.

And then the comment here that I want to point out is that one of the senior tax directors, that we spoke with for leading software company.

estimated that 95% of the companies out there do not handle it right and i've been around this industry, for a long time and consuming use tax has been a pain point.

In all of the years that i've been working in the sales and use tax industry and technology has really taken quite a long time to catch up to the needs to capture the consumer use tax exposures.

So let's go through some numbers so here's some statistics 14.4% of audit violations for cut are out of state purchases.

The number states that charge consumer use tax on SAS is 19.

the maximum years that Nevada may audit if you're not registered for consumers use tax with them is eight years versus three years.

And if they deem that you were fraudulent, then the statute of limitations goes away so that's for all the states if if they feel that you were fraudulent or or didn't intentionally file your return.

Then they can go back and look back forever.

And then $763 million is the estimated uncollected consumer use tax in California, in one year, so we have this number from 2011 i'm willing to bet that it has only gone up from there, the states are really looking at a lot of revenue deficits as a result of the pandemic.

and Nevada specifically well California and Nevada both have huge projected shortfalls for 2021.

So um I think I don't want to state the numbers because I don't have them right in front of me, but it is a significant amount of money and I actually do have the numbers so Nevada projects 26% downturn in their.

revenues which equates to $1.2 billion and California is 26 to 32.2.

billion here a billion dollars, which is a lot of money so.

But their shortfall is less of a percentage than Nevada but because they are the third largest economy, I think, in the world they have a larger amount of money so $475,000 that's the audit hit to one company for single consumer use tax mistake in one year.

So i've dealt with consulting with a number of companies, and it has really it really.

causes me concern when I have to bring the bad news to the CFO that their exposure if they were audited by all the States, they were exposed in would put them out of business.

And it has happened to me many times, so I just it's it's just a cautionary tale to see this and to know that the States are out there, looking for this money.

80% is the amount of audit assessment dollars due to consumer use tax that one bears repeating 80% is the amount of audit assessment dollars due to consumer use tax that's a lot of assessment dollars.

And as Maria mentioned that the beginning when the auditors come in, they are going to look at two things first because they know that's where the low hanging fruit is.

They are going to look at all of your purchases, especially your credit card charges and then they're going to look at your exceptions certificates.

And that's where they get their assessments from because as Maria said it's fairly easy if you use automation to get the sales tax part of it right, the consumer use tax park and the documentation for your except customers is where a lot of that exposure is.

So why consider automation.

One of the biggest reasons is productivity.

So you want to minimize the time it takes for resources to do this analysis, because.

you'd rather have your resources working on revenue generating items than trying to figure out where you didn't self assess us tax.

So manual calculation with spreadsheets you know I love excel I like playing an excel but I gotta tell you doing calculations with excel is painful.

outsourcing to CPS can be costly, depending on the types of firms that you use, and if you don't use a firm that specializes in state and local tax and really understands the sales and use tax world.

It could be costly as well i'm in an exposure from an exposure perspective.

lost margin, so the extra cost from overpaying taxes, so the SAS software examples of primary example for this where you're paying sales tax and a high tax state.

and using it in states where it's a lower tax rate so that example if you purchase that SAS software in Seattle and then you had users in California, in Texas, you had opportunity there for lower tax rate.

and risk so 80% of all of those taxable sales or all of those assessment dollars were for consumer use tax so that's a big amount of risk.

So how can we help, so this is the part of the presentation, where I get to explain this is the easy way to do consumer use tax and Maria feel free to jump in at any time as i'm going through this.

Maria Tringali: I was gonna say done it, I mean if they're still here like if they're not overwhelmed by all that stuff so if you're still with us.

Diana DiBello: It is it's a challenge and even um you know I.

Even organizations that typically don't have a tax liability may be doing things that can create this exposure and one of the.

examples from past history, I don't know if I read it in a court case or I came across it and one of my consulting experiences was a church, who had.

A coffee house attached to it and they were they got hammered under audit, because all of those expenses to support the coffee house activities that was all taxable.

And they did not accrue any use tax for that they didn't cover any of that and it resulted in a significant loss for that church so even a small organization can be impacted by this consumer use tax situation.

So what we do at avalon is we provide our customers with a tool it's an offline self assessment workflow automation tool you're like what does that mean.

It takes data in you import data, it is totally rp agnostic you can take data from any of your purchase system your expense system and put it into an excel format.

And then we have a mapping tool that allows you to map your file to our data and it's an easy process, and then you import that file into the acu tool.

What you do is you identify the rules, so there are rules that you can create they're going to determine hey this vendor always charges tax we don't even need to look at that.

This cost Center it's always exempt don't even look at that we don't want tax charged on that, so you can build your rules.

And then calculate the tax and then, once we calculate the tax, you have a comparison between the tax that was on the vendor invoice and the tax that we calculated.

You build rules that say hey I want to always say that the tax calculated taxes correct or I want to always say that this vendor is correct.

So there's rules that you build based on items that you purchase vendors cost centers custom fields, so you have an ability to build a learning system that's going to know what to do with those transactions.

Once the review is done some of the transactions are automatically going to be processed once the calculation is done so it's going to identify here's a use tax rick rule that I need to do, or this transaction is okay or this transaction the vendor charged us too much money.

Then you will allocate and Edit any of the ones that you really need to review so it's pulling out of the universe of all your vendor invoices all of your expense transactions.

The ones that you really need to look at that really need human intervention so it's taking the universe and boiling it down to a small number of transactions.

Allowing you to do make a determination and then will commit those transactions and when I say commit that just means that it creates an accrual so that your use tax can be included on the return for that state that it needs to be a crude it so there's.

it's a recalculation tool it's going to look at what was charged and it's going to.

calculate the tax and do that comparison and then based on the rules that you will help you build it will determine whether it should just go with that transaction or if it should create a use tax accrual and put it on the return.

So here is the process automation for consumer use tax self assessment, so I told you about the rules so it's got built in rules and rates.

And that's going to do two things it's going to be rules that you build to configure to handle the transactions that you know, need to be dealt with in a certain way.

But it's also going to track jurisdiction regulations are going to support that ongoing compliance so it's going to know that that SAS software is exempt in California and taxable at 80% in Texas.

it's going to the rules, I talked about you're going to identify transactions or line items to ignore or crew.

it's going to look at the GL cost Center or tax ability code assignments that you put in there.

And there's going to be decision criteria annotations so it's going to track all of those changes that you make or all of those decisions that are met through the solution.

And there's going to be transaction flags, where a human needs to review it so when you build the rules you're going to have a number of transactions to review, but as those rules are fine tuned.

That number of transactions to review will go down each month it's really a powerful tool and it's a learning tool that allows you to really automate that process, more so than any other solution can do it.

And again, we talked about the taxable events that occur after the original invoice so anytime you withdrawing inventory, you have a good movement or you have some other taxable event that's going to require you to accrue use tax, you have the ability to capture that here.

There is a flexible transaction import from any source, so I told you, you can take that csv the file or excel file and you can map it so that you don't have to do a lot of data transformation you map your data to our data one time and then every time you just upload your file.

Multi location allocations capability that's a mouthful but basically what that means is you can identify transactions that are automatically going to split that transaction.

to accrue across multiple jurisdictions, based on a percentage, so if I have 100 employees.

And 75 of them are in Seattle or 50 of them are in Seattle 25 in California and 25 in Texas, I can create that percentage of breakout anytime that a SAS software comes across as an purchase item or anytime that the it cost Center comes across.

So it allows you to split those item amounts for that accurate accrual an item ization.

And then powerful reporting, so you will have information to do your process controls so there's an audit.

within each transaction that identifies every single action to that transaction, you can create your journal entry reports so that you can import that transaction or those transactions into your GL for accuracy.

You can do liability analysis and then you have decision documentation for audit support so when the auditor comes in, and you present them with the report of the information that shows this is what the vendor charge, this is what we accrued.

There they're going to be so disappointed that they are not going to be able to assess you an amount they're going to leave I can't guarantee that but.

So it just gives you that additional level of documentation for audit support so that you have no doubt that you've done the correct thing, and you have limited exposure.

And then, finally, why our customers like using athletic consumer use tax increases cash flow and reduces expenses so identifies overbuilt sales tax on purchases.

It allows them to gain control over the consumer use tax so they're not relying on ap clerks to import input, the information accurately they have that control process to ensure that that's getting calculated correctly.

improves productivity, so you don't have some of your staff accountants doing spreadsheets to try and figure out if there is a use tax exposure.

And then finally you integrate transactions from multiple systems and business processes to a centralized consumer use tax self assessment that goes across the organization.

So, think about it, your purchases that are going to come through from your ap feeds your purchases are going to come through from your expense reporting solutions all of that can be centralized within this avalanche consumer use tax solution.

And that brings us to the questions so do we have any questions.

Lauren Hogan: yeah so thank you Diana Maria and I great presentation and it looks like we do have a couple questions don't forget, though, you can still submit them into the Q&A and will read them out.

So let's see our first question we have here is going to be, we do not centralized purchasing and want our location managers to be able to review their expenses is this possible.

Diana DiBello: So yes, within the acu tool in Avatar X, you are able to set up multiple locations and even if need be, if you have different divisions or different entities, you can set up different companies within the system so you'll have that ability to give them a customized view into the data.

Lauren Hogan: Okay, and then, and the next question is what format do I have to have my information in to use this product.

Diana DiBello: So, as I mentioned.

You would have a csv file typically what our customers do is they provide us an export of their vendor invoices, we have one customer that uses a ocr system to create a file from their.

vendor Billings or their vendor invoices, we have another customer who.

Exports directly from their concur expense solution.

And then of course we have customers who are on netsuite that will just do a vendor invoice export out of netsuite or a vendor bill export out of netsuite.

And then that can be mapped to in our file mapper so that they just have to import that.

Lauren Hogan: Okay, it looks like our last question, we have here is what accounting systems, does this work with.

Diana DiBello: So, because it is outside of the earpiece solution it doesn't matter, it is totally platform agnostic.

And that it has been the challenge with consumer use tax for companies and vendors, providing a solution is that a lot of times the taxable event occurs after the vendor.

Issues the invoice so anytime you have a good movement inventory removal anytime that you have allocation from centralized purchasing that information isn't necessarily captured at the ap point of.

The ERP solution or the accounting system, so this is a great way to capture that information we even have customers who use, we have a number of connectors directly into a rp solutions.

And they will use this with their ap solution, in addition to the connector that does real time call to Avatar X, so they use this as a clean up after the fact, so they'll do real time calls with their ap solution into habitats, to get that vendor tax verification done.

And then, after the fact, they will feed additional data into a file and into avalon consumer use tax to make sure that they capture those transactions like goods movement, if you have.

equipment in multiple states it's important to capture the use tax liability as you moving that equipment or inventory removal or any of those after the fact, types of transactions.

Lauren Hogan: Okay, it looks like that's all the questions we had come through.

Then, then next slide.

Up sorry no you're fine.

I was here at JMT we love helping nonprofits achieve their missions, so if you know, have a nonprofit who could benefit from our services or solutions.

They send them our way through a referral as a thank you for helping us connect with them will send you a $25 Amazon gift card.

And if they become a client will give you $500 for either yourself or a donation to your nonprofit.

All you have to do is just visit JMT slash referral to learn more or submit your referral.

And with that, that concludes our webinar today just want to thank Diana Maria again for leading us and Thank you everyone for being here, we hope you enjoyed the presentation.

And it's just a reminder will send you the slides and the recording for this webinar by tomorrow, I hope everyone has a great rest of your day.

Maria Tringali: Thanks Lauren.

Diana DiBello: Thank y'all Thank you.

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