And Like a Good Neighbor…


When you read the headline, did you finish the sentence with “State Farm is there” without even really thinking about it?

The TV commercials depict a home owner or car owner in a pinch, and when they utter the motto “and like a good neighbor State Farm is there!” an insurance representative pops on the scene ready to handle the problem they are facing.

The ad appeals to our desire to have peace of mind regarding some of our largest personal investments – home and automobile.  It removes a lot of stress knowing that a skilled professional has your back.

We recognized that nonprofit management teams wanted that same kind of peace of mind when it came to their investment in nonprofit accounting systems and donor databases.  And that is why we created Extended Value Plans (EVP).

With a JMT EVP you have a knowledgeable support person that you may call or email with a guaranteed response time for your inquiry (based on the plan level you select) – a real, live, experienced JMT professional to help you get your problem solved.

In addition to a veteran resource to help you work through any challenges, the plan provides opportunities for you to proactively address challenges before they become bigger issues.  Plan members have access to an annual system review and JMT virtual office hours.  You can also take advantage of unlimited access to EVP web training – perfect for refreshing system knowledge or addressing knowledge gaps that may come with employee turnover or the shifting of responsibilities.

And, we offer a variety of discounts on products, services and our annual conference to make enhancing your system and proficiency of the system less strenuous on the budget.

You may sign up for EVP at any time – for a more detailed explanation of the plans click here.

If you have any questions please call us at 1-888-368-2463 and ask for a JMT customer account manager or email us at

It’s our hope that you will take advantage of this program and when in need find yourself saying “And like a good partner, JMT is there!”