Hosted by Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA) and Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC)
Sunday, May 15 - Tuesday, May 17
Minneapolis Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN
Join the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies and Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC) in addition to a wide range of Network stakeholders including NJHSA agency professionals and lay leadership, spiritual care specialists and chaplains in NAJC, partner organizations, funders, and the corporate community.
This conference will help to chart a direction for each attendee and help the Jewish human service sector to continue its efforts to thrive in our ever changing world.
You’re invited to share your successes and your challenges, your thought processes, and your experiences during these changing times through a variety of workshops highlighting Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Racial Justice, Chaplaincy Services/Spiritual Care, Crisis Response, Growth & Change, and Workforce Development Initiatives and Collaborations.