Happy Birthday JMT!



Yesterday was a momentous day for JMT…it was our 22nd birthday!

I know you would usually think of it as an anniversary, but for some reason I always think of it as a birthday rather than an anniversary as it really was the birth of JMT. And where I couldn’t care less about my own birthday (which could pass and I wouldn’t even know it if it weren’t for the birthday wishes), I anticipate JMT’s birthday with relish. I think this may partially be because it’s life has been in step with my children’s (who are 24 and 22) and so has been one of my “babies” for all these years. I have watched it grow and mature into the wonderful being that it is.

As with children, JMT has been at times unruly, challenging, and driven me to distraction. And at the same time, I am amazed at where we are and how far we have come from when I started in my dining room 22 years ago. I often have people ask me for any insight I can give on how I built JMT and I have never hesitated to share.

First, I have been blessed. I believe that unequivocally. Second, is passion and perseverance. I know that is two, but I feel they are interconnected. The strongest drive to persevere comes from being passionate about what you are doing and simply refusing to give up. I am PASSIONATE about what JMT does. Third, is commitment. I read a quote from Goethe that stayed with me from the first time I read it and I have it in a frame in my office even now, 22 years later.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness…Whatever you can do, or dream you can – begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”.

There have been 22 years of magic for JMT. I look forward to the next 22, working with our nonprofit clients, providing services however we can to help them achieve their mission. Because that is JMT’s mission.

Happy Birthday, JMT!

CATEGORIES: Industry News