Turn Spreadsheets Into the Data You Need with Vena Solutions

Love Excel but hate the limitations of spreadsheets? Financial Planning and Analysis is crucial to the success of any organization, but without the right tools, too many organizations often find that they are spending more time lost in spreadsheets than they are focused on the mission of their organization. If this resonates with you, it may be time to upgrade your current tools into a new and improved solution.

In this session, we discuss how Vena Solutions can help effectively organize your budgeting process and your data by streamlining your organization’s financial planning (without leaving the comfort of Microsoft Excel!). We dive deeper into:

  • Vena Solutions and how it leverages your existing excel framework to enhance an interface you are already using every day,
  • How you can plan your organization’s operating expenses in Vena, and
  • How Vena enables you to create supporting sheets and tabs for greater visibility.

Ready to chat about how Vena can help organize your budgeting process and your data by streamlining your organization’s financial planning?