Posts Tagged: "nonprofit"

June 2, 2022
CEO Perspective: The Power of PurposeEarly in my career, I “knew” what my path to success would be. I was young, ambitious, and smart! My star’s rise was assured; I knew I would be recognized for my hard work and rapidly rise in the ranks. I was driven by purpose, but not the purpose companies are buzzing about today as…

November 9, 2021
5 Financial Best Practices for Nonprofits#1: Find a Trusted Financial Advisor #2: Go Paperless The benefits of going paperless span from saving the environment to streamlining processes and saving costs throughout the organization. Paper drives manual processes and inefficiencies which sap energy and funds. Going paperless, from invoicing to bill payments to full-blown accounting in the cloud, helps nonprofits to…

October 28, 2021
JMT Consulting and Vena as Life Saving ToolsTools to Navigate a Nonprofit Budget Process In the past few years, we, as a whole, have learned that there’s no excuse for working with outdated technology, especially when it comes to the process of budgeting. When we talk with nonprofits about their budget process, it’s usually accompanied by moans and groans about what an…

July 30, 2021
Generating Reliable Revenue for your NonprofitOptimize key sources of revenue for Nonprofits such as fees from programs, goods, or services, government grants, and investments with JMT.

July 27, 2021
Attributes of Grant-Winning CharitiesGrants are usually awarded because the charity presents a set of intangible reasons that helped convince the foundation staff and board to make the commitment How often do we find ourselves feeling more than a touch of envy when we hear of another charity – much like our own – winning a grant? Followed by…

July 26, 2021
Nonprofit Passion and the Need to Digitally TransformNonprofit organizations need very strong fund accounting and grant management support I admit I am new to the technology world of nonprofits, having come from enterprise solutions in the manufacturing and supply chain world for multi-billion-dollar organizations. Though nonprofit organizations tend to be much smaller, that does not seem to make their needs for certain…

July 22, 2021
Can Nonprofits Make Money?In order to function and truly be successful at reaching its goals, a nonprofit must conduct itself as a business, and yes, that means making money It’s a common misconception that nonprofits must end their fiscal year with a balance of zero dollars, or close to it, in order to make their mission successful and…

October 29, 2019
Technology Matters to Nonprofits: The Impact of Falling Behind the Technology CurveMy wife was recently notified by our wireless provider that her smartphone will no longer be supported. A couple of years ago, when she needed a new cell phone, we made the decision to save some money by buying an older, but not obsolete, model phone. “There’s no reason to spend all that extra money…

October 15, 2019
Nonprofit CFOs Shape their Legacy by Defining and Communicating the Big PictureYou are the CFO of a nonprofit that’s focused on long-term mission fulfillment, financial sustainability, and organizational independence. How do you guarantee that your legacy is aligned with the organization’s long-term success? You may have thought that years of successfully ensuring your debits equaled your credits, that audits ran smoothly, and that financial reports were…

August 21, 2019
Blackbaud Financial Edge versus Community Brands MIP Fund AccountingThe number of ERP solutions suitable for nonprofit accounting is growing, and making a decision on which one to go with can be tough. The following is a hard-nosed look at two platforms that have been around for decades, but have managed to keep up with market demand in an increasingly competitive landscape. Before we…

March 5, 2019
Skating The Edge Between Risk and Reward at Your NonprofitEvery nonprofit faces risk, but it doesn’t have to be a liability. Learn to take a holistic view of risk and use the unexpected to your advantage. What if your funding was cut by half overnight? It might sound impossible, but given the precarious financial situation most nonprofits face, it’s a very real risk. You…

August 7, 2018
It’s an Open Book: How Nonprofits Can Achieve Financial TransparencyAll charities differ in their missions, but all are alike in one important way—to succeed, they must practice financial transparency and accountability. In fact, Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities, uses these values as key criteria in rating nonprofits. Charity Navigator defines transparency as “an obligation or willingness by a charity…