October 18, 2023

Innovate 2024: A must-attend event for nonprofit finance professionals

JMT Consulting Group, a leading provider of software and consulting services to nonprofit organizations, is hosting its annual Innovate conference May 1-3, 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts. Innovate is the largest and longest-running conference hosted by a firm dedicated exclusively to serving nonprofit finance professionals. It is an engaging, educational, and efficient experience that offers attendees…

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5 reasons why the cloud is right for Federally Qualified Health Centers
October 16, 2023
5 reasons why the cloud is right for Federally Qualified Health Centers

View the Datasheet As your organization grows, you need an accounting system to keep up with that. A modern accounting system should automate and streamline financial management functions at minimum. Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) have a greater need than just the minimum for their financial management systems. Here are 5 reasons why the cloud…

JMT Consulting or a CPA? Which Path Should Your Nonprofit Take?
August 28, 2023
JMT Consulting or a CPA? Which Path Should Your Nonprofit Take?

View the Infographic When choosing how to manage your nonprofit organization’s finances, it’s vital to choose a path that offers the unbiased directions you need. While there may be instances where working with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm for technology-related matters can be beneficial, there are several reasons why it may not always be…

Myths Debunked! Moving to the Cloud is Easier than You Think!
July 27, 2023
Myths Debunked! Moving to the Cloud is Easier than You Think!

Moving to the cloud is easier than you think. With our wide market knowledge and extensive list of vendor partners, JMT Consulting can develop a cloud-based nonprofit accounting system tailored specifically to your operational needs. We handle the implementation, training, and support of a new financial system to help you save time and money, so you can focus more on the communities you serve.

INNOVATE 2023 Conference Recap – Back and better than ever!
May 31, 2023
INNOVATE 2023 Conference Recap – Back and better than ever!

Motivating, Networking, Learning, Growing, Energy! These are the words Anouska Biswas, Director of Finance of the James Beard Foundation, used to describe INNOVATE 2023; we could not agree more! In mid-May, JMT Consulting hosted its annual customer conference, INNOVATE 2023.  After a three-year break, registration filled quickly as nonprofit financial executives clamored to participate in…

How the Right Technology Tools can Drive Success in the Catholic Church
April 19, 2023
How the Right Technology Tools can Drive Success in the Catholic Church

The mission of the Catholic Church is to spread the Kingdom of God. It is the cornerstone of every Catholic diocese. But how can dioceses accomplish this mission statement in 2023 (and beyond) if they’re operating like it’s 1985? Technology solutions designed specifically for nonprofits help Catholic churches grow and reach more people – while…

How to Prepare for your Staff’s Retirement in the Catholic Church
April 5, 2023
How to Prepare for your Staff’s Retirement in the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is steeped in millennia of tradition, ritual, and practice. Members appreciate the traditional values and grandeur of their Church, but they also expect modern conveniences and easy access to information. This is even more true for Churches that hope to attract and retain new employees. As more and more staff members approach…

The Role of Technology in the Catholic Church
March 22, 2023
The Role of Technology in the Catholic Church

They say old habits die hard, but the pace of technological innovations may be giving them a run for their money. Technology is completely revolutionizing the way we think, the way we live, and the way we work, with new advancements emerging nearly every day. Artificial Intelligence, for one, is taking the 21st century by…

JMT Consulting announces partnership with iLeasePro
October 17, 2022
JMT Consulting announces partnership with iLeasePro

JMT Consulting partners with iLeasePro to provide a cloud-based lease accounting and management technology solution to nonprofits Nashville, TN: JMT Consulting today announced a new partnership with iLeasePro. This new partnership will give JMT’s clients access to a cloud-based lease accounting and management technology solution. Sean T. Egan, Managing Partner, said, “Prompted by the FASB…

Elements of a Strong Nonprofit Accounting Program
October 4, 2022
Elements of a Strong Nonprofit Accounting Program

Nonprofit organizations are granted tax exemption and other advantages because their missions have great benefits to the public. However, because they can be susceptible to abuse, the grant of benefits also requires substantial reporting and transparency. Nonprofits’ special treatment Nonprofit organizations are afforded special treatment, most notably—exemption from federal taxation and some state taxes. Also,…

How Not-for-Profit CPAs Can Raise Their Game
August 26, 2022
How Not-for-Profit CPAs Can Raise Their Game

Many not-for-profit CPAs are seeing their organizations rapidly grow. That growth is often the catalyst for several pain points in their back-office financial accounting processes. There is digital technology for virtually every aspect of a not-for-profit’s finances. There are technology solutions that focus on enterprise resource planning (ERP) and others that focus on smaller, yet…

Seeking a Good Nonprofit Accounting Software for Your Foundation? Start With These Tips.
August 22, 2022
Seeking a Good Nonprofit Accounting Software for Your Foundation? Start With These Tips.

Foundations are a unique breed of nonprofits. They can be large or small, local or national. They operate in almost every state and country. They serve various purposes, such as education, health care, arts and more. Most foundations rely on volunteers and professional staff members to oversee day-to-day operations. Still, no matter your organization size…

The Nonprofit Accounting Software Buyers Guide
The Nonprofit Accounting Software Buyers Guide

Nonprofit financial leaders today balance the need to manage an increasing level of organizational complexity with the need for speed. You’re expected to keep your eye on multiple donors and funding sources with

CEO Perspective:  The Power of Purpose
June 2, 2022
CEO Perspective: The Power of Purpose

Early in my career, I “knew” what my path to success would be.  I was young, ambitious, and smart!  My star’s rise was assured; I knew I would be recognized for my hard work and rapidly rise in the ranks.  I was driven by purpose, but not the purpose companies are buzzing about today as…

How to Combat Rising Wages Without Breaking the Bank
March 22, 2022
How to Combat Rising Wages Without Breaking the Bank

For employers used to having the upper hand in the last 40 years, the Great Resignation is demanding a rethinking of employee relations. For the foreseeable future, power rests with workers, and wages are therefore starting to rise throughout the economy. To put it in perspective, Warehouse club Costco has boosted pay to a minimum…

10 Strengths Nonprofits can Leverage to Attract and Keep Employees
January 27, 2022
10 Strengths Nonprofits can Leverage to Attract and Keep Employees

10 Strengths Nonprofits can Leverage to Attract and Keep Employees From the Nonprofit Experts Many industries continue to suffer labor shortages as employees reevaluate their work experiences. In what some are calling “the Great Resignation,” employees are leaving their jobs at historic rates to pursue better career opportunities. The last couple of years have completely…

5 Financial Best Practices for Nonprofits
November 9, 2021
5 Financial Best Practices for Nonprofits

#1: Find a Trusted Financial Advisor #2: Go Paperless The benefits of going paperless span from saving the environment to streamlining processes and saving costs throughout the organization. Paper drives manual processes and inefficiencies which sap energy and funds. Going paperless, from invoicing to bill payments to full-blown accounting in the cloud, helps nonprofits to…